• 23:37
  • Tuesday ,27 November 2012

We denounce the constitutional declaration of Egypt's President Morsi: Sign

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Tuesday ,27 November 2012

We denounce the constitutional declaration of Egypt's President Morsi: Sign

 We, the undersigned Egyptian diaspora across the world, who supported the Egyptian revolution against Mubarak and the Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF), express our solidarity with the Free Egyptian Revolutionists who are currently protesting inside Egypt against president Morsi’s latest decisions, which are meant to establish a fascist dictatorship, and to topple institutional legitimacy and the rule of law.

This decision is empowering the current president with unprecedented divine authorities. He has declared himself above the law, a pharaoh with ultimate constitutional, executive, and judicial authorities. He now has absolute power.
The new decree has given the president the right to take any exceptional measures to supposedly protect the revolution. In effect, he has recreated a more potent form of the “Emergency Law” practiced by the old regime to oppress the opposition. This attempt at providing impunity to the illegitimate Constitution Drafting Committee, the unconstitutional Shura Council, and the current government is an open declaration of complete and ultimate dictatorship, not open to any form of scrutiny or accountability.
The Egyptian diaspora strongly denounce this constitutional coup and will voice their anger through a serious of protests and actions across the globe. Protests have started in London, Washington and Houston, and promise to spread throughout the states, Canada, Europe, New Zealand & Australia.
As patriotic Egyptians, we ask President Mursi to withdraw his latest decisions before he completely loses his legitimacy as president and further jeopardize the future of Egypt and of his presidency.