• 00:27
  • Tuesday ,27 November 2012

Morsy to meet with Supreme Judicial Council Monday

By-Almasry Alyoum

Home News


Tuesday ,27 November 2012

Morsy to meet with Supreme Judicial Council Monday

 President Mohamed Morsy will meet with the Supreme Judicial Council Monday to discuss the ramifications of the constitutional declaration he issued last week, according to state-run news agency MENA.

The council had earlier issued a statement on state TV saying it would do it’s best to fulfill the wishes of judges and prosecutors, and protect their independence.
Meanwhile, the Court of Cassation will hold an emergency session of its general assembly on Wednesday to consider suspending its work in protest of the new constitutional declaration.
The council earlier said the constitutional declaration must only be applied to decisions or laws relating to "sovereign matters."
The council had also called on judges to keep courts and prosecution offices functioning after the influential Judges Club called on Saturday for a countrywide strike in protest of Morsy's decree, which was issued on Thursday.
Egyptian Justice Minister Ahmed Mekky has started mediation efforts to try to end the crisis between Egypt's executive and judicial authorities, state TV reported on Sunday.
It was the first public sign of a government attempt to resolve a crisis ignited by Morsy's decision to expand his powers and protect his decisions from judicial review.
Mekky, who has said he has "some reservations" about Morsy's decree, convened a meeting at the Supreme Constitutional Court headquarters in Cairo, state TV reported, without giving further details.