• 00:40
  • Monday ,26 November 2012

Nag Nagar: Copts have to pay royalty, police doesn't care

By-Abul Ezz Tawfik

Top Stories


Monday ,26 November 2012

Nag Nagar: Copts have to pay royalty, police doesn't care
Awad Shohdy, landowner in Nag Nagar village, Sohag, said: “A Commission of the Ministry of Agriculture has inspected the land and reported that the land is ours. Then, a number of thugs have threatened to kill our children if we don't pay them 600.000 EGP. Moreover, they shot fire at our land every now and then in order to frighten us”.
He added that police was reported on such threats or attacks, but no action was taken.
Shohdy explained that the thugs have shot fire at his land this week threatening to kill his children, and he hope police will arrest them.