• 23:54
  • Monday ,26 November 2012

Head of Court of Appeal: Morsy's decisions are illegitimate and cause us to be more miserable

By-Hisham Khurshid

Top Stories


Monday ,26 November 2012

Head of Court of Appeal: Morsy's decisions are illegitimate and cause us to be more miserable

 Judge Fouad Rashid, head of Court of Appeal in Cairo and leader of the independent judiciary movement, said that he has been demanding that the former Attorney General should be replaced, but the way he was replaced shows that the presidency is taking revenge by such decision, which is not appropriate for the presidency.

He added that the new constitutional declaration makes Morsy's decisions holy that no one can protest against them, which even Mubarak could not do.
Rashid added that such decisions may lead the Egyptian judiciary to collapse so that the Egyptians won't trust it anymore, which will affect the whole state so badly. 
Rashid said that he used to oppose the former regime, and he's so sad that many people are now missing the former regime due to the practices of the current one.