• 00:21
  • Monday ,26 November 2012

Journalists Syndicate General Assembly denounces Morsy decree

By-Almasry Alyoum

Home News


Monday ,26 November 2012

Journalists Syndicate General Assembly denounces Morsy decree
The Journalists Syndicate General Assembly denounced President Mohamed Morsy’s constitutional declaration on Sunday, a statement released on its website said.
They reiterated that the syndicate would not participate in the Islamist-dominated Constituent Assembly.
Scuffles broke out on Sunday between journalist supporters and foes of the Muslim Brotherhood at an emergency union meeting over Morsy’s decree giving himself broad powers, a journalist who was there reported.
Supporters of the Islamist group argued that not enough members were present to conduct the meeting, citing syndicate bylaws. That sparked a heated debate on the technicalities of the meeting, which ended in a fist fight.
“The people want the downfall of the Muslim Brotherhood,” journalists chanted, as fighting continued on stage and speakers struggled to be heard over the chaos.
Journalists then marched from the syndicate headquarters to Tahrir Square, chanting against the constitutional declaration.
Morsy’s decree, which allows him to issue decisions and laws unchallenged, has sparked furor among the judiciary and the opposition, who have put their long-standing divisions aside, to confront Thursday’s decree.
Protesters declared a sit-in on Friday in Cairo’s Tahrir Square and courts in Egypt’s second city of Alexandria have suspended work in protest at what they called an attack on the independence of the judiciary.