• 23:26
  • Friday ,23 November 2012

Political forces demand Qandil's cabinet resignation


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Friday ,23 November 2012

Political forces demand Qandil's cabinet resignation

 Twenty-six political parties, forces, movements, campaigns, and NGOs have released a statement saying that President Mohamed Morsi is "completely responsible for the violence that took place around the anniversary of the Mohamed Mahmoud Street events."

In a joint statement issued on Wednesday evening, the groups called for the resignation of all members of the current cabinet and the trial of the minister of interior and his assistants, and announced their participation in a massive demonstration planned for Friday 23 November.
The statement explained that the demonstration will take place to achieve the demands "that should have been implemented since the stepping down of the former president [Mubarak] to rectify the state's path and the revolution."
The statement explained that the elected president and his assistants "did not stop ignoring and dispersing peaceful protests that exceeded the duration of any protest before. This is to remind them of their basic rights which led to the continuation of blood shedding in various incidents."
The statement read: "The interior ministry has not stopped causing pain to Egyptians since the release of the killers of the January 25 revolution. The government did not stop the deterioration of living circumstances, the worsening of state facilities and citizens' increasing desperation for a better life after the revolution."
The statement is signed by 26 political parties, campaigns, and NGOs, including No to Military Trials of Civilians, the Egyptian Social Democratic Party, the Youth for Freedom and Justice, the Egypt Revolutionaries Coalition and the National Front for Justice and Democracy.
Protesters commemorating last year’s clashes in Mohamed Mahmoud have engaged in fresh confrontations with police forces that left scores injured. The clashes, which started on Monday, are still ongoing.
Since Monday, clashes between police and protestors have been ongoing in Mohamed Mahmoud Street and Qasr El-Aini streets, adjacent to Cairo's Tahrir Square. According to the latest health ministry figures, over 43 protesters have been injured, although reports from the field suggest the number may be higher.
Fighting erupted during a demonstration commemorating the victims of last year's five-day street battle with police in the same area, which left 47 dead and hundreds injured.