• 00:59
  • Friday ,23 November 2012

Brotherhood to mobilize in Tahrir ahead of Morsy announcement

By-Almasry alyoum

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,23 November 2012

Brotherhood to mobilize in Tahrir ahead of Morsy announcement

 President Mohamed Morsy is expected to issue some important political decisions Thursday evening, sources within his office have said.

One of the announcements relates to the Constituent Assembly tasked with drafting the new constitution regarding a decision that has been under extensive study, the sources said, speaking to Al-Masry Al-Youm on condition of anonymity. The sources did not give any additional details.
The assembly, which is widely dominated by Islamists, has struggled to complete the drafting process amid resignations from Coptic representatives, journalists and other non-Islamists.  
The Muslim Brotherhood's Guidance Bureau has ordered members to mobilize in Tahrir Square Thursday at dusk to support Morsy's pending announcement, Turkish news agency Anadolu reported.  
An informed Brotherhood source reportedly told the agency that members in areas close to the capital were given specific instructions to go to Tahrir Square around sunset to create a “popular movement for the protection of properties from expected actions of violence.”