• 00:04
  • Wednesday ,21 November 2012

Mohamed Mahmoud Street clashes resume

By-Almasry Alyoum

Home News


Wednesday ,21 November 2012

Mohamed Mahmoud Street clashes resume

 Clashes that began on Monday evening flared up again after a day of calm on Tuesday evening with both protesters and police throwing rocks at one another in the area surrounding Mohamed Mahmoud Street.

Khaled al-Khatib, an official at the Health Ministry, announced in a press statement Tuesday that the number of injuries in the ongoing clashes has reached 61.
He said no deaths have occurred so far.
Khatib added that the injuries included bruises, suffocation, burns, fractures, and gunshot wounds.
Central Security Forces threw rocks at protesters from on top of a building, injuring many.
Some protesters set tires ablaze, pelted rocks at the soldiers and chanted demanding to bring down the regime and prosecute former Mubarak officials as well as figures in the Interior Ministry.
Clashes broke out Monday evening after security forces used tear gas to disperse protesters and prevent them from approaching the Interior Ministry.
The clashes came during a rally marking the first anniversary of the Mohamed Mahmoud Street clashes in November 2011, during which over 40 people were killed after police and security forces forcibly cleared Tahrir Square of protesters demonstrating against the then-ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces.
On Monday, the protesters chanted against Interior Ministry policies. Some wore black armbands, while others covered their eyes with gauze to reference protesters who were shot in the eye during the clashes one year ago.
An Interior Ministry official claimed that “outlaws” infiltrated the demonstrations, Monday, hurling rocks and Molotov cocktails at the security forces charged with securing important facilities in the area.
The official said in a statement that a Molotov cocktail landed on the wall of the Shura Council, and another on Barclays Bank, causing limited fires in both buildings that were brought under control by security forces.
The statement added that the security forces then used tear gas to keep protesters away from the facilities.