• 21:49
  • Thursday ,08 November 2012

About H.H. Pope Tawadros II

Dr. Magid Ezzat Israel

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,08 November 2012

About H.H. Pope Tawadros II

 The Patriarch in the Coptic Orthodox Church is the successor of our Lord Jesus Christ and His apostles, and he is the greatest father. There are four patriarchs all over the world; the patriarch of Alexandria, the patriarch of Rome, the patriarch of Constantinople and the patriarch of Antioch.

The pope number 118 of the Coptic Orthodox Church is H.H. Pope Tawadros II, while the first Pope who carried that name was H.H. Pope Tawadros I who was a monk in St. Yehnis monastery in Mariout and was a pious man. He was the Pope No. 45  (730-742 AD).
His Holiness Pope Tawadros II was chosen on November 4, 2012. His name before the monasticism was Wagih Sobhy Baky Soleiman. He graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy, University of Alexandria in 1975. He has a Bachelor of seminary college and held Health Global Fellowship. 
Pope Tawadros II was ordained as a monk in St. Bishoy monastery in Wadil Natroun on August 1986. He was ordained as a priest on December 23, 1989, then moved on to serve in al-Beheira on February 15, 1990. He was ordained as a bishop on June 15, 1997. 
He was nominated to run for the papacy by Abba Damian, Bishop of Germany, Abba Suriel, Bishop of Melbourne, Abba Makarios, Syrian monastery's abbot, Abba Bakhoum, Bishop of Sohag, and Abba Andarus, general bishop of al-Behira. 
In the papal elections, there were five monks and bishops: Abba Rafael, who won 1980 votes, Abba Twadros, who won 1623 votes, Father Rafael of St. Mina monastery who won 1530 votes, Father Srafim of Syrian monastery, who won 680 votes, and Father Bachomiuas of Syrian monastery, who won 305 votes. 
On November 4, 2012  the altar ballot was held after celebrating the holy liturgy. A child named Bishoy was chosen by lot to choose the name of the 118th pope, and after praying he choose the sheet of paper that carried the name of His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, to be the new pope at his birthday, and he is going to be officially enthroned on November 18, 2012.