• 00:18
  • Wednesday ,07 November 2012

Constituent Assembly member: Public prosecutor threatened me

By-Almasry Alyoum

Home News


Wednesday ,07 November 2012

Constituent Assembly member: Public prosecutor threatened me

 Constituent Assembly member Mohamed Abdel Moneim al-Sawy said he received threats from Public Prosecutor Abdel Meguid Mahmoud after he had filed a complaint against him on Sunday, accusing him of covering up corruption cases.

“The public prosecutor phoned me and threatened that he possesses old documents that he would file against me soon if I do not withdraw the complaints I submitted against him to the Justice Minister,” Sawy told Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated satellite channel Misr 25 late Monday over the phone.
Former MP Essam Sultan confirmed Sawy's claim on his Facebook page Monday. " Mr. public prosecutor, we reject your threats, we will never stop, the law will be applied with you," he wrote.
The public prosecution, led by Mahmoud, has been under fire since the exoneration of former Interior Ministry officials from charges of ordering the murder of pro-democracy protesters who forced former president Mubarak to step down in February 2011. Protesters have demanded the removal of Mahmoud over the institution's failure to gather sufficient evidence to convict the defendants.
A fresh wave of protest voicing the same demand followed the acquittal of several key officials from Mubarak's now-dissolved National Democratic Party on charges that they killed protesters in February 2011 in Tahrir Square, a case famously known as the Battle of the Camel.
In October, President Mohamed Morsy ordered Mahmoud to be appointed as ambassador to the Vatican, practically removing him from office, but the latter refused the new post and said he would maintain his office. Morsy yielded to pressure from the judiciary and backtracked on his decision.