• 23:43
  • Wednesday ,07 November 2012

Egypt's envoy in Greece condemns racist attacks on Egyptians


Home News


Wednesday ,07 November 2012

Egypt's envoy in Greece condemns racist attacks on Egyptians

 Egyptian ambassador in Greece Tarek Adel urged both Greek's ministry of foreign affairs and general security to take needed measures to provide security to Egyptian expats following a rise of racist attacks targeting immigrants, including Egyptians.

On Monday, Egyptian 29-year-old Waleed Taleb, an undocumented immigrant, was found chained to a tree on the Island of Salamina west of Athens with evidence of a brutal beating all over his body, reported Egyptian daily Al-Masry Al-Youm.
Taleb's boss admitted to tying him up, accusing him of stealing from the bakery he works in.
Taleb's story to police, however, is that his boss attacked him for asking for financial help from him.
Waves of attacks have been targeting immigrants in Greece, allegedly by the right-wing Golden Dawn party affiliated with neo-Nazism. On Wednesday a mob claimed to be led by Golden Dawn orchestrated an attack against immigrants that left several injured, including five Egyptians. Another twelve Egyptians were captured by police and no media reports have mentioned whether the attackers have been arrested.
All Egyptians were released, except for one due to his undocumented status.
The attack came reportedly after an undocumented immigrant attacked a hairdresser earlier Wednesday.
Earlier in June, five Egyptian fishermen were attacked by members of Golden Dawn in their home in Piraeus.
The Golden Dawn took more than 6 per cent of seats in the 2012 Greek parliamentary elections.