• 23:52
  • Friday ,26 October 2012

Egypt takes an aggressive stance with wind energy

by Hydrogen Fuel News

Home News


Friday ,26 October 2012

Egypt takes an aggressive stance with wind energy

Egypt begins investing heavily in wind energy

Egypt is beginning to invest heavily in its alternative energy future, according to a new report from Enerdata, an energy research and analysis firm. Like other countries with growing economies, Egypt is beginning to feel the need for a more robust form of energy. As such, the country has begun investing in wind energy. According to the report, Egypt is working to adopt 750 megawatts worth of wind energy projects that will take root throughout the country.

Report shows country is positioning itself to embrace alternative energy

For the report, Enerdata analyzed numerous energy companies that operate within the country and examined Egypt’s market activity, as well as the country’s tax policies and domestic energy production schemes. The report highlights the aggressive approach Egypt is adopting concerning clean energy and notes that much of this aggressive is being directed at wind energy. The country’s approach is so aggressive, that Enerdata suggests its goal of 750 megawatts of wind energy may be achieved as early as 2014.

Offshore wind energy systems will produce 750MW

The report suggests that approximately 250 megawatts worth of offshore wind energy systems will take root in the Gulf of Zayat, with two similar installations finding homes in the Gulf of Suez. The offshore wind energy systems will provide the bulk of Egypt’s plans for this form of renewable power. Even after this expansive system becomes fully realized, Egypt is expected to continue making use of fossil-fuels until a suitable replacement for oil and coal can be found.

Egypt also looks to solar energy to break free from fossil-fuels

Egypt is not only interested in wind energy. The report notes that the country also has plans for a 100 megawatt solar energy system that will take root in Kom Omna. This energy system is expected to become fully active in 2017. Combined with the wind energy initiative, Egypt is slated to boast of an expansive alternative energy network that may lead to a break in the country’s reliance of fossil-fuels in the near future