• 00:52
  • Monday ,27 August 2012

Gad: Egypt now suffers from disintegration and unprecedented sectarian congestion

by Emad Tomas

Top Stories


Monday ,27 August 2012

Gad: Egypt now suffers from disintegration and unprecedented sectarian congestion

Former MP Dr. Emad Gad said in Studio CBC program aired on CBC satellite channel that Egypt suffer from unprecedented sectarian congestion.


He added that Egypt now suffers from disintegration, and President Morsy should prove he is a President for all Egyptians, denouncing the insults of Al-Nas and Al-Hafez satellite channels against the actress Elham Shahin.
Gad also denounced the political announcements of Muslim Brotherhood leaders about Sinai and the Egyptian-American relations, as they should be uttered by the political leaders of FJP and not MB.