• 23:25
  • Friday ,24 August 2012

Egypt President Morsi to visit US in September


Home News


Friday ,24 August 2012

Egypt President Morsi to visit US in September

 President Mohamed Morsi will visit the United States on 23 September for the first time since taking power in June, the presidential spokesperson said on Wednesday.

The United States was a close ally of jailed former president Hosni Mubarak and gives $1.3 billion in military aid and other assistance to Egypt every year.
Long wary of Islamists, Washington opened formal talks with Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood in 2011 as the group emerged as a major player in the political scene of the first Arab state to sign a peace treaty with Israel.
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met Morsi in Egypt during a visit in July.
In July, US President Barack Obama invited Morsi to the United States in September during the UN General Assembly meetings, but no date was announced.
Morsi is due to visit China on 27 August and will then attend a meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement in Iran on 30 August.
His first official visit was to Saudi Arabia.