• 01:01
  • Wednesday ,22 August 2012

Israel says Egypt in Violation of Camp David Treaty

by BikyaMasr

Home News


Wednesday ,22 August 2012

Israel says Egypt in Violation of Camp David Treaty

Israel on Tuesday was reported to have said that Egypt is currently violating the 1979 Camp David treaty between the two countries by deploying tanks in the demilitarized Sinai Peninsula along the Israel border.

Officials were quoted by The Associated Press as saying they have spoken to Egyptian officials and President Mohamed Morsi’s office to let Cairo know their objections to the military deployment in Sinai following a militant attack on an Egyptian border outpost near the Gaza and Israel order earlier this month that left 16 soldiers dead and 7 others wounded.
The officials were not named by AP, saying they spoke on condition of anonymity due to the security situation.
Egypt’s military presence in Sinai has been growing since the August 5 attack, and air strikes and heavy artillery have been reportedly used against “targets” in the Sinai.
Israel has repeatedly said it welcomed the crackdown but AP quoted officials saying “tank deployments should have been coordinated.”
Israel has previously agreed to exceptions to the treaty allowing Egypt to add troops and equipment in Sinai.
The report also said an “Egyptian border official said he met with Israeli counterparts and heard their concerns about the military presence in Sinai.”