• 23:54
  • Thursday ,16 August 2012

Morsi: Time for Assad to Go

by Arutz Sheva

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,16 August 2012

Morsi: Time for Assad to Go

Egyptian strongman Mohammed Morsi announced Wednesday that "It is time for the Syrian regime to leave." Morsi spoke Tuesday night at the Organization of Islamic Cooperation's (OIC) two-day summit in Mecca.

According to Egypt's Ahram Online, Morsi quoted Koranic verses and sayings attributed to Islam's prophet Mohamed, prohibiting fighting amongst Muslims.

He went on to criticize those who allowed the situation to continue "while blood is spilled during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan."

Iran, whose President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad attended the conference, has stood behind Assad's government during the escalating violence there.

The Syrian Opposition reported Wednesday that at least 80 people were killed when a fighter jet bombed the city of Azaz, near the border with Turkey.

According to this report, at least ten houses or buildings were destroyed in the bombing, and some are still trapped under the wreckage. Another Syrian human rights group claimed that the number of dead is much higher.