• 00:34
  • Thursday ,16 August 2012

Copts are peacemakers

Father Luke Radi

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,16 August 2012

Copts are peacemakers

 A friend called me asking about what happened In Mercy mosque in Manfalout, Assiut. I felt worried as I know very well the history of violence and terrorism in this city during the 90s. Furthermore, this phone call was after the attacks in Dahshur in which many Coptic families suffered from forced displacement under the auspices of the authorities and the supervision of the police. 

I asked my friend: "What happened?" He said: "there were power and water outages in the city. And Muslims couldn't pray as they needed water. I asked him: "then what?" "Christians have brought water from the next church so that Muslims may pray. 
I was so happy to hear such story and told him, any human being would have done so we should help everyone without asking about his or her religion.
I ended the phone call while I was thinking: "Why media has never cared about such story? What do fanatics say about such story and especially those who call Coptic Christians as infidels and made a fatwa that it's forbidden for taxi drivers to pick up priests and drive them to their churches? Why only bad news is mentioned while such good news is ignored?  
I kept thinking: "Why don't we have a media center to collect such good news and spread them throughout media to improve the general mode and encourage people to have religious tolerance?
In Greek, good news means the bible. Thus, we need nowadays to practice the teachings of the bible. I call all writers and journalists to concentrate on such good news in order to spread peace among people.