• 00:15
  • Tuesday ,14 August 2012

Union of Revolutionary Youth sues president, govt to amend Camp David

By-Almasry Alyoum

Home News


Tuesday ,14 August 2012

Union of Revolutionary Youth sues president, govt to amend Camp David

 The Union of Revolutionary Youth has filed a lawsuit before the Administrative Court demanding that the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel in 1979 be amended in light of the meager security presence in Sinai.

The suit, which was filed against President Mohamed Morsy, Prime Minister Hesham Qandil and Foreign Affairs Minister Mohamed Kamel Amr, demands that the president and the executive authority immediately amend parts of the agreement detrimental to Egypt’s security, citing recent victims of violence due to lawlessness in the area and Israeli violations of the agreement.
The Camp David Peace Treaty restricts the Egyptian military presence in Sinai. Many have called for it to be amended after 16 Egyptian soldiers were killed last Sunday in an attack on a security checkpoint in Rafah, near the Israeli border.
Following the incident, Morsy has vowed to extend the Egyptian control over the entire Sinai to prevent such incidents in the future.