• 23:28
  • Thursday ,05 July 2012

Ex-presidential contender Abul-Fotouh to launch 'Strong Egypt' party


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,05 July 2012

Ex-presidential contender Abul-Fotouh to launch 'Strong Egypt' party

 Former presidential candidate Abdel-Moneim Abul-Fotouh plans to launch a new political party called the 'Strong Egypt Party,' to be announced in the next few days, Abul-Fotouh campaign spokeswomman Doaa Fattouh told Ahram Online.

The new party is expected to offer the same political programme as Abul-Fotouh's recent presidential campaign.
'A strong Egypt' was Abul-Fotouh's presidential campaign slogan. The moderate-Islamist candidate came in fourth place in the first round of polling, garnering 18 per cent of the vote.
In the run-up to last month's runoff vote, Abul-Fotouh declared his support for the Muslim Brotherhood's Mohamed Morsi against Hosni Mubarak's last prime minister Ahmed Shafiq,