• 00:03
  • Thursday ,05 July 2012

Broad coalition that backed Morsi suggests ElBaradei, Abul-Fotouh for cabinet


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Thursday ,05 July 2012

Broad coalition that backed Morsi suggests ElBaradei, Abul-Fotouh for cabinet

 A group of political figures, who had announced their support for Mohamed Morsi before he won the presidential election, have formed a delegation to discuss with him who should be included in his new government. Morsi has promised that the new cabinet will be representative of all political factions and not dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood.

The 'National Front for the Completion of the Revolution', composed of various political figures, suggests former Muslim Brotherhood leader and eliminated presidential candidate Abdel-Moneim Abul-Fotouh as vice president, and reform campaigner and Nobel Laureate Mohamed ElBaradei as prime minister.
The delegation will also be tasked with monitoring the progress of the agreement they reached with the Islamist president prior to endorsing him.
Key political figures in the group include prominent journalist Wael Qandeel, founder of the April 6 Youth Movement Ahmed Maher, Islam Lotfy of the Egyptian Current Party, founder of the 'We are all Khaled Said' Facebook group Wael Ghonim, and veteran journalist and nationalist figure Hamdi Qandeel.
Dubbed the 'partnership document', the agreement was announced on 22 June and addresses eight major issues Morsi must tend to should he win the election, including: the immediate release of all political prisoners; the cancelation of the judicial law allowing the military to arrest civilians; and a guarantee that the Constituent Assembly tasked with drafting Egypt's new constitution will be equally representative of non-Islamists to reflect a national consensus.
Amid on-and-off rumours, Morsi's office has reiterated that the president has not yet begun to contact anyone for positions in the cabinet or the presidential team, and also denied reports that Morsi intends to form the cabinet within the next two weeks.
Morsi was officially sworn in last Saturday as Egypt's first civilian elected president. The Muslim Brotherhood's presidential candidate was declared president-elect on Sunday 24 June after narrowly beating his rival Ahmed Shafiq, the longtime minister and last prime minister of ousted president Hosni Mubarak.