• 23:33
  • Tuesday ,03 July 2012

Morsy meets with Armed Forces Chief of Staff and foreign minister

By-Almasry Alyoum

Home News


Tuesday ,03 July 2012

Morsy meets with Armed Forces Chief of Staff and foreign minister

 President Mohamed Morsy met Armed Forces Chief of Staff Sami Anan and Foreign Minister Mohamed Kamel Amr, the state-owned MENA news agency reported.

Morsy had met with Farouk al-Oqda, the governor of the central bank earlier.
The agency did not speicify what was addressed in the meeting, which coud have discussed the new government.
The president had assigned the current government to remain until a new one is formed, which is expected to be announced within 48 hours.
Sources pointed to Mohamed ElBaradei, Farouk al-Oqda and Kamal al-Ganzouri as possible candidates for the new government, but Ganzouri's chances were slimmer. They also said Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim may stay in office.
The sources denied that Morsy chose former presidential candidate Abdel Moneim Abouel Fotouh as vice president, adding that the president aims to please all parties.