• 00:49
  • Tuesday ,19 June 2012

Human slaughter!

Adel Ateya

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,19 June 2012

Human slaughter!

 A satellite channel has showed a video of a young man who was being slaughtered by some Islamic masked men, and there was a religious background. The young man was praying while the knife was slaying his neck to shed his blood on the earth and make his killers feel elated after holding his neck as a sign of victory!

His Christianity was a good reason for them to kill him in a way which every human being can see brutality and inhumanity.
Those have monopolized the way to God, and killed in order to please him! If violence appears in many places in Quran, Old Testament has also such kind of verses, but Christians have never sought applying those verses literally. Here we can find the reason behind such difference as they don't know  Christ, which is, according to Mother "Teresa", the worst poverty of the peoples.
When evangelists started their first missionaries at the very beginning, they have faced killing bravely. Now we can't put our legs in their shoes. We only fear the knife and keep our mouths shut upon seeing someone is being killed which encourages them to violate the law and have their own one.
Muslims should confess that such bloody massacres is the world's first priority  nowadays, and should condemn such acts of the extremists. “Islam is different from that” is no longer enough.