• 00:30
  • Friday ,15 June 2012

Our revolution between setback and chaos

Dr. Ihab Al Azazi

Article Of The Day


Friday ,15 June 2012

Our revolution between setback and chaos

 Egyptians now face several shocks that may lead to another revolution that will burn everything and everybody. After the disappointing verdict on Mubarak and the failure of the revolutionary forces to achieve something in the presidential race, which brought the same polarities: Democratic National Party against Muslim Brotherhood. The conditions are different, but the actions are the same. Revolutionists couldn’t be united, but they are scattered keeping themselves busy calling each other as betrayals!

Many question are to be asked: What's next? Will the country find stability after the presidential elections, or will its results be respected? More importantly, what's happening currently on the political stage in Egypt? And what are the different scenarios that are likely to happen?
First scenario: MB may cooperate with the political powers to put an end to the crisis of Constituent Constitution and declare the names of vice-president and the next prime minister, and give the guarantees requested by revolutionists. Only by this, all Egyptians will support Mohammed Mursy for the presidency. Unfortunately, this scenario is not possible with the practices of MB that refused all solutions presented by the revolutionists or to solve the problems of the committee drafting the new constitution. MB is only trying to make use of the angry people of the trial of Mubarak, but they only want everything and this is the reason that many people don't support MB anymore.
Second scenario: as many people are calling for abolition of the presidential elections, the Supreme Council of Armed Forces want to complete the elections to prove it doesn't want to stay in power. Shafik is more likely to win, but his enemies will burn Egypt and this may lead to a civil war. 
Third, the Constitutional Court may declare that Political Disenfranchisement Law is unconstitutional as well as the invalidity of the presidential elections, which will be a disaster. MB will lose everything then: the legislative power, it’s right in the formation of the government and Mohammed Mursy will leave the presidential race. This may lead to a great chaos, and we don't know how would the Islamists deal with such situation.
Shall we see an armed conflict or a civil war, as Shafik will stay in the presidential race? Is Hamdeen Sabahi going to inter the presidential race again? Is Egypt going to suffer from chaos and demonstrations everywhere again? Will the Army declare martial law, which will make us enjoy a longer transitional period and enable us to write a real constitution and have a real parliament? Everything is possible nowadays in Egypt.
Finally, solving this problem is possible through the consensus of political forces, but MB has to realize that they need the Egyptians to win, and they can do nothing without them. If MB keeps its pride and arrogance, it will lose the trust and respect of all Egyptians.