• 00:06
  • Wednesday ,11 April 2012

SCAF: Egyptians are going to elect their president

By-Maria Alfy

Top Stories


Wednesday ,11 April 2012

SCAF: Egyptians are going to elect their president

Supreme Council of Armed Forces has issued a statement on its official page on Facebook under the title: “Who is the next president of Egypt?” in which he said that Egyptians are going to choose their next president through elections. People will choose the one who can convince them about his platform, the one who can lead the ship to a safe harbor.

The statement said that the Egyptian armed forces stand at the same distance from all candidates, and it does not support anyone. It added that the armed forces have made a commitment since the beginning of January 25 revolution to support the Egyptian people, their revolution and their will which appeared during the elections of People’s Assembly and Shoura Council. The statement called not to listen to such irresponsible talks about the army supporting a certain candidate.