• 01:02
  • Tuesday ,10 April 2012

8 Muslims are sentenced for 2 years in prison for supporting Christians!

By-Rania Nabil

Top Stories


Tuesday ,10 April 2012

8 Muslims are sentenced for 2 years in prison for supporting Christians!

8 Muslim activists were sentenced to 2 years and 200 pounds fine for participating with the Copts in a demonstration in Shubra against bombing Saints church in Alexandria. The demonstration demanded arresting the ministry of interiors Habib al-Adly and the security director in Alexandria as they allowed this terrorist attack to happen or even participated in it.

The activists are Mohammed Nagi, Mustafa Shawki, Mustafa Mohi and Muhammad Atef who are members of the Popular Socialist Alliance Party, Tamer al-Sady, member of the April 6 Movement and tomorrow the revolution Party, Ahmed Refaat al-Aias and Diaa Addin Ahmed Rabi and Amr Ahmed Hassan Abdou, from Shubra street. 
Lawyer Ahmed Seif al-Islam said such ruling is too much especially after files leaked from the offices of the State Security after the revolution which proved the involvement of the Minister of Interior in this accident. 
He added that they were accused of resulting in 15 wounded of soldiers and 4 police officers as well as damaging two armored cars and 11 lories, however they were arrested among 200 people who were surrounded by four rows of soldiers and they never participated in the march in the streets of Cairo, policemen asked them to show their national ID which shows their religion, then they were arrested.