• 00:01
  • Tuesday ,10 April 2012

Ayman Nour: Ruling disqualifying my presidential bid is invalid

By-Almasry Alyoum

Home News


Tuesday ,10 April 2012

Ayman Nour: Ruling disqualifying my presidential bid is invalid

Saturday's court ruling disqualifying Ayman Nour’s presidential bid is invalid and contains unprecedented legal errors, Nour said Sunday.

He vowed to appeal the ruling and continue his run for president.
Nour, who is running as the candidate of the party he founded, Ghad al-Thawra, had applied for candidacy after recently being pardoned by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces for medical reasons. But the administrative court said Nour still has to appeal his 2005 forgery conviction in order to run for president.
“The Presidential Elections Commission has not yet ruled me out,” Nour told Al-Masry Al-Youm. He declined to comment on the revelation that one of the other candidates, Hazem Salah Abu Ismail, may be disqualified due to his mother’s alleged American citizenship, or on former intelligence chief Omar Suleiman’s last-minute decision to run.