• 00:35
  • Thursday ,05 April 2012

Tantawi discusses democratization with US Congress delegation

By-Almasry Alyoum

Home News


Thursday ,05 April 2012

Tantawi discusses democratization with US Congress delegation

Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi, head of the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, on Tuesday met with Congressman David Dreier of the US House of Representatives and his accompanying delegation.

The meeting discussed views on developments and rapid changes in the regional and international arenas, as well as the political transition toward democracy in Egypt, in light of the strategic relations between the two countries.
Relations between the ruling junta and Washington witnessed tension recently against the backdrop of American NGO workers being referred to trial on charges of working without a license in Egypt. All but one of the workers left Egypt with permission from the Court of Appeals, but the Egyptian government says the case is not yet closed.
The US delegation had on Monday met with Ahmed Fahmy, Shura Council speaker and member of the Freedom and Justice Party, and with Brotherhood presidential candidate Khairat al-Shater.
On Monday, Dreier said the delegation is relieved and happy about the meetings it held in Egypt, including those held with presidential candidates. He said the delegation’s visit to Egypt comes at an important time.
The United States will not interfere with the Egyptian people’s choice for president, Dreier said, adding that Egyptians should decide what kind of democracy they want.
Dreier added, in a closed meeting with Egyptian journalists in Cairo, that Shater highlighted his commitment to human rights and the rule of law.