• 23:52
  • Sunday ,01 April 2012

Abdel-Fattah: Copts and women representation in constitution committee is unfair

By-Emad Tomas

Top Stories


Sunday ,01 April 2012

Abdel-Fattah: Copts and women representation in constitution committee is unfair

Dr. Moataz Abdel-Fattah, a member of the drafting committee of the new Constitution said that there are many reasons to reconsider the committee. For instance, the weak representation of Copts and women in it.

Abdel-Fattah said in an interview in a program on Al-Jazeera live called On My Responsibility that the Constitution of 1924 was drafted by a committee which consisted of 30 people; four of them were Christians and one Jew.
He added that 6% of the committee is not a fair representation for the Copts. The logical number would be 12%. Christians are partners in our homeland, and we must insure that they get a fair representation, he said.
He added that woman should have a fair representation too, which could never be 1%. It is worth mentioning that Abdel-Fattah has not withdrawn from the committee yet.