• 00:52
  • Sunday ,01 April 2012

Secretary of “The Assembly”: FJP is worse than National Democratic Party

By-Gergis Wahib

Top Stories


Sunday ,01 April 2012

Secretary of “The Assembly”: FJP is worse than National Democratic Party

Mohamed Ibrahim Eweis, Secretary of "The Assembly" Party in Beni Suef said to Copts United that his party was the first to withdraw from the committee of drafting the new constitution and boycott it.

Eweis said they knew in advance the intentions of Muslim Brotherhood (MB) to form the founding committee and take full control of it, with a very weak representation for Copts and women. Even the only student in the committee is a relative to Dr. Mohammed Morsy, head of Freedom and Justice Party (FJP).
He explained that MB are dealing with their opponents at the same way the dissolved National Democratic Party used to deal with the other parties, as it used to ignore the opponents ideas and thinking that their choice is the only valid one! This proves that FJP is worse than the National Democratic Party. MB and their party want to establish a theocratic state which guarantees them to govern forever.