• 00:52
  • Thursday ,29 March 2012

Tarek Heggy speaks about political Islam, Islamization of Europe and MB


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Wednesday ,28 March 2012

Tarek Heggy speaks about political Islam, Islamization of Europe and MB

 In this video from the Norwegian documentary, Tarek Heggy, liberal thinker and political writer talks about political Islam and Muslim Brotherhood group. He talks about the attempts to Islamize Europe against the valuable system in Europe that made the human being the core and goal of it. Heggy talks about the danger that Muslims Brotherhood bringing to Europe as they don’t believe in human rights, equality, democracy and other values that built Europe.

Heggy calls Europe to build systems to integrate the Muslims of Europe into the society and make them believe in its values. He also talks about political wave of Islam in many countries all over the world. And that MB preaches mainly a political agenda rather than a religious call.