• 23:58
  • Monday ,26 March 2012

Sabbahi to Parliament majority: Don’t be conceited!

By-Emad Tomas

Top Stories


Monday ,26 March 2012

Sabbahi to Parliament majority: Don’t be conceited!

Hamdeen Sabbahi, a potential candidate for the presidency said that he totally rejects the results of selecting the members of the founding committee of the Constitution.

He said: "I feel sorrow, anger and resentment at the way in which the founding committee of the constitution was chosen, because Egypt in all its diversity is reduced to the majority of the Parliament seats. This is too dangerous, and all Egyptians should take heed of it. The Constitution does not belong only to the majority, but for all Egyptians. Every Egyptian should have guarantees, immunities and rights".
Sabbahi said to the majority of the Parliament: Don’t be conceited! He asked them to participate in drafting a constitution that represents all Egyptians including: women, Nubians, people of Sinai, the disabled and other groups in society. He explained that the Constitution is a social contract among all the Egyptians, and it must guarantee the rights of citizenship, equality and equal opportunities.