• 23:27
  • Tuesday ,20 March 2012

People's Assembly mulls withdrawing confidence from cabinet, again


Home News


Tuesday ,20 March 2012

People's Assembly mulls withdrawing confidence from cabinet, again

 Parliament Speaker Saad El-Katatni (Freedom and Justice Party) has urged the ad hoc committee tasked with evaluating Prime Minister Kamal El-Ganzouri's first official report to parliament to send its findings to the People's Assembly.

The report, which was delivered by El-Ganzouri on 26 February, painted a gloomy picture of Egypt's economy. It angered many MPs and prompted some to demand a vote of no-confidence in the government last week.
The head of the ad hoc committee, Salafist MP Ashraf Thabet (Nour Party), said it might not be possible to finalise the committee's findings anytime soon.
Thabet had previously rejected suggestions floated by some MPs to withdraw confidence from the El-Ganzouri government.