• 23:59
  • Monday ,19 March 2012

Major division within the Muslim Brotherhood in Beni Suef

By-Gergis Wahib

Top Stories


Monday ,19 March 2012

Major division within the Muslim Brotherhood in Beni Suef

 In a big challenge to the decision of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) not to support Dr. Abdel Moneim Abul Fotouh as a candidate for the presidency, a number of MB leaders, seniors and founders of freedom and justice party in Beni Suef, have issued authorizations to Dr. Abdul Moneim Abul Fotouh to nominate him for the presidential race, which is against the MB decision of not supporting Abul Fotouh. They said that the only accepted case of not supporting him would be violation of Islamic laws, which he has not done when he decided to nominate himself for presidency of Egypt. So, they are going to support him even if they got fired of the MB.

They said that Egypt needs him, and al-Nour party have given a chance to his members to choose whoever they want.
Such division happens publicly for the first time with leaders of the MB in Beni Suef governorate.