• 11:53
  • Friday ,02 March 2012

Second lawsuit of defamation of religions against Eng. Sawirus is dismissed


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Saturday ,03 March 2012

Second lawsuit of defamation of religions against Eng. Sawirus is dismissed

Court of "Bulaq Abul-Ela", headed by justice "Sherif Kamel", dismissed the case of defamation of religions against the businessman "Naguib Sawiris". This comes after a similar one issued last week by “Kasr El Nil” court. 

In his statement, "Naguib Gabriel", the head of the Egyptian Federation for Human Rights, congratulated Eng. "Naguib Sawiris" for such a historical judgment which came after two cases raised by many Islamic lawyers. Dismissing the two cases came according to the Egyptian law that limits raising such cases to the Attorney General.
"Gabriel" explained that such historical judgment emphasizes the respect for law and litigation which reflects a new era after the revolution of January 25th.
"Gabriel" praised the fair Egyptian judicial system, which should not be affected by litigation of the extremists, pointing out that this judgment will be of a great benefit for the artist "Adel Imam" and many other intellectuals and creative people who have been sued recently for similar cases.