• 00:19
  • Sunday ,05 December 2010

Christians of Egypt Suffering Under Islam

By-Missions for Jesus

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Sunday ,05 December 2010

Christians of Egypt Suffering Under Islam

 "Fight the people of the Book (Jews and Christians) and extort money from them." Koran 9:29
Kill the infidels (non-Muslims) wherever you find them." Koran 9:5
Christians in Egypt are severely discriminated against, persecuted and have no rights under Islam.  They are true second-class citizens. 

In this literature we will portray Egypt under Islam to help you understand what it means to be a Christian in an Islamic country.  As you read this tract, try to imagine your country, if Muslims grow in number and power and gain control in your country.
At a time when most of the world considers human rights a birthright to be taken for granted, Christians in Egypt have no human rights.  Following are some specifically documented abuses, some personally experienced, that Christians in Egypt suffer each day.  This will give you a glimpse of the systematic persecution of Christians in Egypt.  As most United States citizens are unaware of these facts, this will make you aware of what the United States might be like under Islam.  Those who demand an Islamic State want every detail of the legal system and even day-to-day life to be governed literally by the Koran and the lifestyle of pagan Arabian culture in the 7th century which Islam adopted.  Their relationships with non-Muslims are based on the Koran.  If Muslims ever come to rule America, America will face the same persecution and will reap a bitter harvest.
Christianity began in Egypt with Mark's missionary trip around 43 AD, the Mark who wrote the Book of Mark in the Bible.  The Church in Egypt flourished until the Islamic invasion and conquest in 641 AD.  During the reign of Arab and Turkish Muslim rulers, oppression of the Egyptian Christians grew and Muslims destroyed Christian culture and persecuted Christians.  In June 1419, Malik Abu El-Nasr, the Muslim ruler of Egypt, reprimanded the Cairo chief of police because of the alleged contempt of Christians toward the laws.  It was decreed that infidels (Christians) would not be employed by the government.  Muslim rulers issued an order to cut off the tongues of Christians if they spoke their Coptic (Egyptian) language not Arabic.  The Coptic language is the language of the Pharos written in the Greek Alphabet.  Imprisonments, beatings and all types of discrimination against all non-Muslims began in earnest. 
There were 9 million Christians in Egypt at the time of the Islamic invasion.  By 1900, there were only 700.000.  This clearly shows the decline in the number of Christians in Egypt due to persecution which continues.
* Christians in Egypt are still living under the 1856 Ottoman AHamayouni Decree which requires Christians to get a presidential permit to build or repair a church.  Many Christians were arrested for even repairing a restroom in a church without the president's approval.  In contrast, Egyptian Muslims may build mosques without restrictions. 
* In Egypt, Christians are not allowed to learn their history, language, and culture in schools and colleges.  This practice began in the 13th century and continues today.  The history of the Pharaohs and the history Islam are taught but the seven hundred years of Christianity in Egypt are excluded.  Christians are increasingly targeted by Muslims whose goal is to apply the teachings of the Koran regarding killing non-Muslims (Jews and Christians) or force them to convert to Islam. 
* The Egyptian government requires religious affiliation to be shown on national ID cards, job applications and all official documents.  This ensures Christians can be identified and prevented from getting supervisory positions, as stated in the Koran, not take Jews and Christians as allies (K 5:51).
* Very few Christians are appointed to key jobs in the government.  There are no Christian governors, mayors, chiefs of police, city council presidents, or college deans in Egypt. 
* Christians in Egypt have no adequate representation in parliament.  The governing party fails to include any Christians in their list of candidates to parliament. 
* Though Christians in Egypt pay taxes to the government, they are prevented from using government controlled radio and TV stations to broadcast Christian worship services.  The only Christian newspaper in Egypt, WATANI (My Home Land), is often confiscated by the Secret Police and has never been given government approval for publication.
* Christians in Egypt live in fear under Martial Law.  Many Christians are arrested in the middle of the night and are never heard from again.
* Land that Christians donated to their churches were confiscated by the government in 1952 after a revolution led by Muslims.  The income from the cultivated lands had been used to provide for needy Christians. 
* Egyptian Educational curricula at all levels contain demeaning and untrue references to Christians and Christianity.  They are discriminated against in government controlled school admissions.  Very few Christians are admitted to the police academy or to military schools.  Only a few Christians are appointed to teaching assistance positions in medical colleges, pharmaceutical colleges, engineering colleges, and all top education colleges.  There are unfair practices aimed at Christian students. 
* Christians in Egypt are treated with disrespect in police departments.  In their sermons, Muslim clerics insult Christians and stir up Muslims against them.  The government-controlled media conducts a campaign of hate against Christians, labeling them as infidels, creating an environment of hatred and intolerance, in which attacks against Christians are easily propagated. 
* Christians in Egypt are often forced to convert to Islam.  Young girls and women are kidnapped and raped to force them to convert.  There are reports of police protection being given to the abductors of these women. 
* Christians in Egypt suffer severely from an Islamic law that states that if two Muslim witnesses testify that a Christian became a Muslim, he MUST convert to Islam or he will be punished by death for committing apostasy against Islam.  This Islamic law is used to get rid of Christian businessmen or Christians who defend the human rights of persecuted Christians. 
* Christians in Egypt are forbidden to share Jesus with Muslims.  Evangelism is a crime, resulting in five years imprisonment.  Muslims in Egypt do not have freedom of religion.  While Christians may be, and often are, forced to convert to Islam, Muslims are forbidden from converting to other religions.  Muslim converts are usually subjected to imprisonment, torture, and possibly death. 
* The Egyptian government does not provide for Christian orphans who are orphaned as a result of one or both parents being murdered by Muslims.  When a huge rock fell from Mukattam Mountain in Cairo onto a Christian community, the only help that the government provided was to give each Christian family a single blanket.  Christian widows in Egypt almost never remarry and are left without any way of supporting their families because women in general are hardly ever employed, and Christian women are usually denied jobs.  There are no government programs to assist these widows.  Thus these women are left to the mercy of other Christians, most of whom are also very poor. 
* The Egyptian government does not seriously pursue and punish Muslims who murder Christians.  Killers of Christians are never sentenced to the same punishment as that of a killer of Muslims.  Even when A Muslim murdered 13 Christians, he did not get the usual punishment for murder.  If a Muslim is accused of murdering a Christian, often the court sets him free, claiming there is no evidence to prove he is the murderer.  This was the court ruling for Muslims who attacked the Christian village of El-Kosheh and killed 21 Christians.
* Following are a few examples of Muslim persecutions against Christians of Egypt as the Koran states, Fight the people of the Book (Jews and Christians) and extort money from them (Koran 9:29).
In 1992, A Muslim man named Haridi murdered thirteen Christians including little children in the town of Sanabu. 
In 1996, Muslims burned down the village of Kafr Demian, only because it was a Christian community. 
In 1996, the Egyptian Military destroyed the Christian Disabled Child Center. 
In 2000, Muslims attacked the Christians of the village of Al-Kosheh on New Year's Eve of 2000 and murdered twenty one people. 
Some of these Christian martyrs were set on fire after they had been murdered.
These are just some examples of the discriminatory practices, abuse of human rights and persecution imposed on Christians in Egypt by Muslims and the Muslim controlled government who justify their action by Islamic law.  This horrible picture is repeated in all nations where Islam is dominant.  In some Islamic countries, like Iran and Saudi Arabia, it is even worse.  Christianity is completely forbidden under penalty of death.
Wake up, our nation!  The same persecution can happen here if Islam is allowed to get a foothold in our country.
Our goal at Kamil International Ministries Organization is to raise an awareness of the dangers of Islam, teach the truth about Islam, and equip Christians to share Jesus with Muslims.
How Can You Help?
* Pray earnestly for the safety and protection of our Egyptian Christian brethren and also for their Muslim persecutors to come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. 
* You can also help to eliminate or at least reduce these injustices by expressing your concerns about the human rights violations in Egypt to your representatives and senators in Congress.  The United States provides $2.5 billion in aid to Egypt yearly.  Our tax money should not be used to support a government that persecutes Christians. 
* Your financial support will be used to aid Christian orphans in Egypt and help us continue our ministry of unveiling Islam and equipping Christians to share Jesus with Muslims.
* ISLAM is a combination of Paganism, worship of the moon god Allah, and Ebionism which is a Christian heresy adopted by Mohammed Bin Abd Allah in Arabia in the 7th century.  The word "Islam" was not derived from the Arabic word "salam", which means "peace" as Muslims claim.  It was derived from "istislam" which means "surrender or die".  The word "sal'lem" was the word which Mohammed shouted while pursuing his opposition.  His militant commands, terrorist attacks, pagan, and Ebionism's beliefs are contained in the Koran, the book of Islam.
* MECCA is a town in Arabia where Mohammed shared his Christian heresy from 610-623 AD.  Because he had no power, he took no action against those who chose not to follow him in Mecca.
* MEDINA is a city in Arabia where Mohammed moved after his mother=s tribe offered him armed support.  In Medina (623-633 AD), he and his mother's tribe waged wars to force people to follow him or be killed.  In the Koran, one can clearly see the difference in Mohammed's tolerant teachings in Mecca and his harsh teachings in Medina.  Muslims, instructed by the Koran, continue Jihad attacks wherever they have political power, to force people into Islam.
* KORAN is the book of Islam that Mohammed claimed was revealed to him by Allah, the pagan moon god of Arabs.
(K 1:1) stands for (Koran chapter 1: verse 1)
* HADITH is Mohammed's sayings collected by Bukhary.
(B 1:1) stands for (Bukhary volume 1: saying 1)
* JIHAD, holy war, is an Islamic term that means to spread Islam by force and kill whoever refuses to convert.  It is the most sacred duty of Muslims and is carried out by Muslim extremists, politically known as terrorists.  The Koran promotes the use of terrorist tactics (K 8:12) to spread Islam and promises that Muslims who die for Allah will enjoy big breasted white virgins in paradise (K 78:33).