• 00:11
  • Sunday ,05 December 2010

'Egyptian cabinet reshuffle likely'


Home News


Sunday ,05 December 2010

'Egyptian cabinet reshuffle likely'

CAIRO - A reshuffle of Egypt's cabinet could soon take place but Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif is likely to stay in place, a state news website quoted sources as saying on Friday.

 President Hosni Mubarak is responsible for removing and appointing members of the cabinet.

      State-owned newspaper al-Ahram said on its online portal the ministries being considered for the shuffle included the those of higher education, culture, economic development, local development, health, justice and labour.

       Al-Ahram, one of Egypt's main state-owned newspapers, did not name its sources.

       The run-off stage of Egypt's parliamentary elections is due to take place on Sunday. The new parliament is scheduled to convene on Dec. 13.