• 01:00
  • Sunday ,05 December 2010

Campaign to of the 156 detained Copts

By-Peter Tadros

Top Stories


Thursday ,02 December 2010

Campaign  to of the 156 detained Copts
The Australian Coptic Movement is planning an unprecedented campaign in coming weeks aimed mainly at the release of the 156+detained Coptic Christians in Egypt.
We are in the proposal/planning phase however we require many volunteers to assist in organising before we decide to proceed any further. We are proposing a 'sit in' between 3-5 days continously either outside the Egyptian Consulate at Surry Hill or at Martin Place in the CBD and a few other locations have been suggested as well. We are yet to decide on the exact venue and dates however we require at least 100 individual/youth from the outset to be involved with organising the event. The 'sit-in' may end with a large demonstration however we have not decided on this as yet.
We have approximately 35 individuals so far to date (mainly youth) and we require at least a further 65 before we proceed to implement the plan and set dates. Please note that we do not expect the organisers to take 5 days off work however we intend on having a rotating roster type of arrangement. Some volunteers have offered 1 day , others 3 etc. Obviously we expect support from the wider community during the duration of the event. We will allow about 7-10 days notice prior to the event.
The proposed 'sit-in' will only operate during day light hours however at the moment we are leaving all options open whilst we seek advice.
If you are interested or know anyone who may be interested then please email info@australiancma.org.au to register your interest.
updates will be posted to our facebook page http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=317107003428 and we encourage all to join our page.
Please remember and pray for the families of the dead, the injured who are in hospital and of course the detained christians and their families who face an uncertain future.