• 08:36
  • Friday ,01 January 2021

There is a season

Article Of The Day


Friday ,01 January 2021

There is a season

 After years of working in the English version of Copts United, our journey comes to an end. Yes, to everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3: 1). However, we didn t wish or expect to see our lovely platform closed that soon.

In the past years, we have tried to be the voice for the voiceless following the vision of the creator of this electronic newspaper Eng. Adly Abadir. We have tried to raise our voice to support he weak and the suffering people. Our goal have been always to defend the Coptic cause and to keep the Copts united. Indeed, this is the mission of Copts United that we hope it will not be shut down because of financial problems or any other challenges.
The Corona virus pandemic came with many bad results and many blessings as well to the world. Yet, one of its really bad effects came with the suspending of the English version of Copts United. We wish our beloved home, Copts United, will continue to play its vital role and complete the mission and vision of its founder. Moreover, we pray for peace, prosperity and recovery of the world in that hard time.