• 00:27
  • Monday ,02 November 2020

Egypt, Russia discuss Dabaa, GERD developments


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Monday ,02 November 2020

Egypt, Russia discuss Dabaa, GERD developments

 Egypt s foreign minister Sameh Shoukry met on Friday with the Russian deputy foreign minister and special envoy to the Middle East, Mikhail Bogdanov, to discuss means to boost bilateral relations, the Egyptian foreign ministry stated.

The two sides touched upon a number of significant bilateral files related to ongoing projects that are part of the Egyptian-Russian strategic partnership.
Topping the discussions were the Russian executive measures to set up an industrial zone in Egypt s Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCEZ) and the construction of the Dabaa plant, Egypt’s first nuclear power plant.
The plant is to be built in the Marsa Matrouh governorate on the Mediterranean coast, 250km west of Alexandria. The Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation (ROSATOM) will develop the plant, which will be owned and operated by the Nuclear Power Plant Authority of Egypt.
Shoukry also reviewed the latest developments concerning the revived talks over the massive dam Ethiopia is building on the Blue Nile, which is of concern to Egypt and Sudan.
Bogdanov expressed his country s hope the three African countries will reach a consensual deal that preserves their people s interests.
The three countries started this week a new round of talks on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), reviving negotiations stalled since August.
The meeting also tackled joint coordination to combat terrorism and extremism, in addition to a number of regional issues related to Libya, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, and Sudan, the statement added.