• 08:50
  • Thursday ,15 October 2020

Failure to Reform

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,15 October 2020

Failure to Reform

 Most of us believe that clerics are opposed to religious reform, but we do not take into account another possibility that they are mentally incapable of doing it.

Reforming and developing any thought, ideology or religion requires a more sophisticated, open, deep and aware mentality of the religious text and of the reality at the same time. So that it can come up with new interpretations of the text that are compatible with today s life.
However, we have mentalities that depend on memorization and retrieval and not thinking. Thus, it is very hard for the clerics to overcome the old ideas and stop being so lazy to think. 
This is a hypothesis that we must take into account, which is the mental inability of the clergy to develop what was presented by their predecessors. Therefore, we shouldn t wait for those clerics to reform the religious discourse since they are not able to and they prefer to live Medieval and Dark Ages.