• 00:45
  • Tuesday ,15 September 2020

Egypt expresses full support for Saudi-led coalitions actions against Houthis in Yemen


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Tuesday ,15 September 2020

Egypt expresses full support for Saudi-led coalitions actions against Houthis in Yemen

 Egypt has expressed its “full support” for actions by the Saudi Arabian-led coalition against armed Houthi rebels in Yemen, saying the Iran-backed movement’s practices further inflame the situation in Yemen.

According to an official statement on Sunday, Egypt’s foreign ministry affirmed that it supports Saudi Arabia in its efforts to push for a political solution in Yemen and enforce the ceasefire between the legitimate government forces and the Houthi movement, formally known as Ansar Allah.
The statement also stressed Egypt’s condemnation of Ansar Allah’s targeting of civilian installations in Yemen’s Ma’rib with ballistic missiles, which injured several civilians.
“The foreign ministry stresses the importance of reaching a comprehensive ceasefire in Yemen to make it possible to agree on humanitarian and economic steps that guarantee the alleviation of the growing humanitarian crisis nationwide due to a stalled political solution,” it said.
The statement came hours after the Saudi-led coalition’s fighter jets struck on Sunday barracks and military sites of the Houthi movement in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa, according to Saudi-owned Al Arabiya TV.
Local sources told Al Arabiya that the coalition also destroyed four drones at Al-Delmi air base, north of Sanaa.
The strikes by the coalition came a few days after the Houthi movement claimed it attacked “an important target” in Riyadh on Thursday using a ballistic missile and drones.