• 00:10
  • Friday ,14 August 2020

Joe Biden

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Friday ,14 August 2020

Joe Biden

It seems that we will see a repeated cenario of what happened in the 2016 elections in the US. All polls refer to Joe Biden winning the election and then suddenly wake up and find that Trump won his second term. 

Unfortunately, the deomcratic party failed to candidate someone who can inspire Americans as it was before. Its really sad that american has to choose between two old folks 74 and 77.

When you fail to candidate a young person who can inspire people in all America, that means that America is old as well and started to suffer from disease that infect old people. 

Its a very dangerous sign that there are no young people in the american election. I remember when American elected Bill Clinton and he could beat the father Bush, that was a great sign and inspiring moment for all the world that someone in his 40ths could beat an older politician like father bush. 

In conclusion, I believe both parties have to rethink their strategy and they should prepare young american to  inspire american again.