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  • Friday ,29 May 2020

Bishop Tadros sends a message to Diocese of Sydney


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Thursday ,28 May 2020

Bishop Tadros sends a message to Diocese of Sydney

 H.E Bishop Anba Tadros (caretaker of the Diocese) sent a message to the diocese that reads:  "And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). Beloved sons and daughters, the congregation of the Diocese of Sydney. Grace and peace from Christ our Lord and Saviour. Wishing you a blessed Feast of the Ascension of Christ into heaven 40 days after His Glorious Resurrection. We wish to share with you some matters concerning the Diocese of Sydney. 

1. We thank our Lord Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing granting a unique grace to the Diocese of Sydney that during the peak wave of the coronavirus all the Liturgies were still prayed by way of closed services. I wish to thank all the fathers, deacons, servants, youth and the entire congregation who adapted to the changed with love and humility. 2. His Holiness Pope Tawadros II has directed the total restructuring and reforming of the administrative and financial departments of the Diocese. 3. His Holiness Pope Tawadros II has directed that the constitution of the Diocese of Sydney be amended. 4. His Holiness Pope Tawadros II has requested that the Coptic Orthodox Church (NSW) Property Trust Act be amended from sole trustee to a Board of Trustees. This is being conducted through the office of the Attorney General of NSW. 5. The interim Finance Committee has appointed Mr Amgad Lotfi to replace Mr Simon Michael. We thank Mr Michael for his dedication and commitment over the last 14 years. 6. We are in the process of releasing all caveats on church properties across the Diocese. 7. His Holiness has requested the restructuring of a new Coptic education board for all three Coptic schools and the creation of sub committee to assist the Board in engaging with the school community. 8. The Commonwealth Bank has placed a three months freeze on all church loans. 9. The Diocese will establish a new Public Relations Committee and a new Media Committee. 10. The financial affairs of the Diocese will be communicated to the congregation when all figures are received and analysed. The financial contributions from the churches to the Diocese, which Is approximately $23,000 per month, has been stopped to assist the cashflow of the parishes. Further reductions to church monthly contributions are being assessed  11. The local clerical council will continue to function under the guidance of HG Bishop Domadious of the Diocese of Six October. 12. We are proud the Very Rev Fr Shenouda Mansour, parish priest of St Anthony and St Paul, who has been re nominated to serve a third term as General Secretary of the NSW Ecumenical Council. 13. We wish to see a greater emphasis and focus on the spiritual and pastoral services of the Dioceses above all else that we may present every man perfect in Christ (Colossians 1:28). 14. We pray that the Holy Spirit work abundantly to foster greater love, unity and harmony among all, "Above all put on love which is the bond of perfection." (Colossians 3:15). If any person wishes to submit any recommendations or discuss any issues you are all very welcome. My heart is open to you all. Be blessed in The Lord +Anba Tadros  Metropolitan of Port Said Papal delegate to the Diocese of Sydney.