• 00:09
  • Friday ,20 December 2019

Dar al-Iftaa warns of ISIS app BCM


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,20 December 2019

Dar al-Iftaa warns of ISIS app BCM

Dar al-Iftaa s Observatory of Takfiri Fatwas and Extremist Views in a statement warned of a mobile app called Because Communication Matters (BCM), used by sympathizers of ISIS.

The observatory reported that ISIS launched the BCM app to promote its ideology.
This new application appeared days after the success of the largest e-campaign against the organization since 2015, leading to the closure of about 26,000 accounts and platforms across social media websites.
The application guarantees complete confidentiality for users and puts many precautions against expected hacking attempts by security services, which guarantees safe communication and the inability of other parties to track users of the app, the statement added.
Alongside storing videos and transferring encrypted information anywhere in the world, ISIS has been able to make the app available through the Google Play Store and the Apple Store.
The observatory stated that ISIS was working on developing the app.
The organization established 10 channels and pages through the app since last week, some of which include more than 100 followers according to media reports. The application allows collecting funds through bitcoin.