• 00:48
  • Monday ,02 December 2019

Eastern Catholic Patriarchs Council visits President al-Sisi

Nader Shoukry

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Monday ,02 December 2019

Eastern Catholic Patriarchs Council visits President al-Sisi

 Egypt s President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received yesterday Abba Ibrahim Ishaq Sedrak, Patriarch of Alexandria for Coptic Catholics and Chairman of the Council of Catholic Patriarchs and Bishops in Egypt, and his accompanying delegation, in the presence of the Charge d Affaires of the Vatican Embassy in Cairo. 

Ambassador Bassam Radi, Spokesman of the Presidency of the Republic, said that the President stressed the keenness of the State to coordinate with all ancient religious institutions to raise public awareness of the challenges facing the countries of the region that threaten its security and stability, stressing the importance of the role played by religious leaders in educating citizens, especially young people.
The President affirmed the State s appreciation of the good relations with all Egyptian and international religious leaders of all sects, especially under the current approach of the State in establishing the values of coexistence and freedom of worship.