• 23:26
  • Friday ,29 November 2019

kids around the world

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Friday ,29 November 2019

kids around the world

Lately, I read a story of a Vietnamese kid who decided to depend on himself and refuse to be in an orphan home after his parents died and his grandmother left him behind to get married.

This story touched me so much and that s why I thought to shed light on this issue around the world. I want to assure that he is not the only one around the world who preferred to depend on himself rather than setting in an orphan house. 

Such story should inspire us but also should pay our attention to that problem as many kids living alone and decided to depend on themselves, however, they are prone to many risks in their journey. 

Such kids could be prone to many dangers such as drugs, sexual harassment, kids trade and many other dangerous factors. 

We like our children to be independent, but we also need to protect them from any risk, especially if there are many illegal organizations use those kids in illegal behaviors. If they don t like to be an orphan house at least we need to build organizations to protect them and follow of how they live and help them to achieve their dreams.