• 00:34
  • Tuesday ,12 November 2019

UN report on the death of former President

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,12 November 2019

UN report on the death of former President

 A report published yesterday of the United Nations Commission on the death of former President Mohamed Morsi and the death of his son Abdullah claimed that Morsi s death was the result of medical negligence and brutal treatment in his prison. Report said he was only allowed to leave his cell for one hour and had to remain in custody for twenty-three hours. The report added that Morsi was prevented from exercising and from reading newspapersas well as watching television. The report also mentioned that his son Abdullah had been killed in Egyptian prisons. 

I want to clarify that these reports are based on data presented by suspicious Egyptian organizations and funded by Qatar or some terrorist organizations. 
I think that there are human rights activists in the National Council for Human Rights that defend rights of the terrorists to kill and preach extremism.
The report of the UN committee is full of lies supported by suspicious human rights organizations. 
The Egyptian Union for Human Rights visited Tora Prison, a short time ago, and found the complaint of the Brotherhood leaders concerning the short period of exercise, bad televisions and the delay of news papers. There was no claims about medical negligence. 
The death of Mohamed Morsi in the courtroom showed that the death was a result of blood circulation has been witnessed by the lawyers of the former Brotherhood Freedom and Justice Party and there is no slight criminal or medical failure of the state in the case of death. As for the death of the son of Morsi Abdullah, I believe that the prosecution s investigations and the anatomical character confirm that the death as a result of something else completely should not go into it in order to preserve the sanctity of the dead.