• 10:03
  • Wednesday ,16 October 2019

Egypt and Arabism

by Emad Gad

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,16 October 2019

Egypt and Arabism

During the football match between Algeria and Pyrmaids, Algerian fans called Egyptian president enemy of God, “and Tunisians did the same after the wining of Qais Said the presidential elections. In the Sudan, the demonstrators said they have either victory or being like Egypt. In Gaza, they insult the Egyptian army during their celebrations.

Most of them have a strong hatred and even envy against Egypt, so we reaffirm that Egypt belongs to the Egyptians. The Egyptian people are of the sons of Ham, while the Arabs are of Semitic origin (Jewish cousins). 

Thus, we have to reconsider our relations based on personal benefits and national security. We need to differentiate between those who target our country or make ally with its enemies, and those who represent source of threat.

We need to get rid of the illusions of the inherited ties after they proved to be catastrophic since 1948, and built our foreign policies on the basis of Egypt s interests and national security. The overwhelming majority of Egyptians (about 98%) are from the sons of Ham, and they are unrelated to Arabism. I say we must base our policies on our national interests and the requirements of our national security. It is not a matter of hostility, but a call for realism and objectivity and building our policies based on our national interests and respect for my country and its institutions and symbols.