• 23:55
  • Wednesday ,02 October 2019

A great achievement

by Dr. Magdi Shehata

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,02 October 2019

A great achievement

 The Egyptian Cabinet Media Center published the latest data on the number of churches and service buildings  that have been legalized by the main committee for the legalization of churches in Egypt, which was formed in January 2017 under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister and the membership of six ministers and representatives for the churches.

At the last meeting on Monday, the committee agreed to legalize 71 churches and service buildings, bringing the total number to 1,179 churches and buildings. According to human rights reports, the Egyptian churches have submitted about 3,730 applications for legalization of churches and service buildings. Thus, in just two years, about 32% of the applications were considered and accepted.
If there are some approvals on the license of some churches, because they do not get the due approvals, for example, churches built on state land and others need approvals from the Ministry of Agriculture or Antiquities, the committee is subject to the completion of licenses to complete these papers. There is no doubt that the Committee is dealing with a large response to requests for codification, and take into account the maintenance of the state social peace, which made the province of Minya top of the list of churches that have been licensed. Reports indicated that the committee approved the legalization of 189 churches and buildings in Minya governorate, equivalent to 10% of the total churches that were legalized. It is worth mentioning that the Egyptian state is keen to build new churches in new urban communities, where the state has taken into account the existence and establishment of places of worship. 
There is no doubt that the great achievement in the file of legalization of churches in Egypt, which was expected to issue many years ago, is a landmark and distinctive in the history of Egypt, in the framework of the Constitution and law, belonging has become to the country under the civil state before all other belongings.
Importance of national unity needs to be acknowledged in order to develop the homeland and to achieve social peace. This requires positive steps on the ground including the legalization of churches, which already witnesses positive and effective steps.