• 08:50
  • Friday ,13 September 2019

Fatwa House Al-Banna s grandson confessings to sexual relations exposes leaders of the MB

Amany Moussa

Top Stories


Wednesday ,11 September 2019

Fatwa House Al-Banna s grandson confessings to sexual relations exposes leaders of the MB

 The Islamophobia Observatory of the Egyptian House of Fatwa commented on the confessions of Tarek Ramadan, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood s international organization and the grandson of Hassan al-Banna who founded the terrorist group, saying that two women of the four who accused him of rape accepted committing adultery with him and were not forced to do so. The observatory said that the members of the terrorist group pretend to be bios and following the rules of Islam, but they are far from this.

Statement of the observatory said that they insult Islam and Islamic communities in the West by such practices.